Drill Baby Drill!

Our new well is underway. On Monday, a big drilling truck arrived. It looked like this:

And all day long it went along banged and clanged while smacking this big metal thing into the ground. On Tuesday– water! Lots of clear, fresh water. 15 gallons a minute! Only about 60 feet down, which was right where we expected it. We didn't even need a witch. Indeed, the water quality man from the county literally warned me not to use one! I was shocked to learn that they still exist and are in business, but apparently so.

Now we are waiting for the trenching. We were supposed to have a backhoe here this morning to dig from the well to the house but as so typically happens, I'm here and he's not. In any case, at SOME point a trench will happen, a hole will be drilled into our basement wall, pipes will be hooked up and water will begin to flow. Then we enter the sterilizing phase, in which our pipes (bacteria festering as they are) will be scalded with bleach. Then the testing, and the softener installation and the other doo-dads depending on what the water needs to attain some sort of normalcy. All this supposedly will only take a few days. Based on experience thus far, lets say a full week. In any case, soon! 

This will put an end to the tedious problem of carrying a glass of water upstairs for teeth brushing, only to find that someone else has used it up, drank it, or just poured it out for fun. 

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