
The nausea diet has a lot to recommend it. It makes shopping easy (jell-o, gingerale, saltines), and meal prep and clean-up is a snap. You lose lots of weight fast, without ever, ever feeling hungry. Indeed, the only problem with nausea, then, is the nausea itself. I seem to feel it in my arms. They're heavy all the time, and the illness seems to radiate out of them like a gray-green glow. I want to lie down, but when I lie down, things don't improve.

It's been like this for two days. I haven't ever actually vomited, although opening the fridge carries a real risk what with all the smells in there. I've just been persistently ill and wishing for it to end. I have a good friend who suffers from this horrible form of morning sickness, that leads to months and months of vomiting, all the way to the point of becoming a serious health risk. So with her in mind, I am reminded of my pathetic wimpiness in the face of only two days of mild nausea. And yet… ugh.

Elias got better on Monday-Tuesday, after four days of full-on, both ends, stomach flu. We all hung in there fine, until Isaac felt a bit peckish on Thursday morning.  We got ready for school normally, but upon arrival there I found myself with not one, but two asleep boys in the car. With Elias it's just the problem of constantly starting the day at 4 a.m., which a string of days at home did little to cure. I carried him in asleep, and after a short time he came around and began doing his toddler work normally. But Isaac was a different matter. He begged to stay home, and insisted he was really sick. Sometimes he jerks my chain with this one, but I harbored a nagging fear that I would drag him into school whereupon he was projectile vomit and/or soil himself with uncontrollable diarrhea. I let him stay home, which proved to be the right choice. He didn't throw up, but started to run a fever and to spend lots of time in the bathroom. (another car full on the laundry train). 

But meanwhile, I was feeling horrible myself and wanting only to be horizontal and still in a smell-free environment.  I had to put Isaac back in the car to go get Elias, and then when we all got home I tried to arrange for a group nap. No luck… alas. But I did get the boys to at least watch something while I collapsed on the couch. This is the time when some sort of nanny-type person, or at least a conveniently located maiden aunt, would help tremendously! I have literally NO back-up. This becomes apparent at times like these. Anyway, I dozed on the couch for a half hour or so, until Isaac wandered back in and wanted to read something. I said, "How's Elias? Is he still fine?" (I always worry that Elias will choke or something unattended, but then I think Isaac would call me if something serious were going on, but then again I wonder if he would!) So Isaac says blandly, "He's gone." GONE???! At which point I think I levitated vertically three feet and covered three rooms of distance in the blink of an eye. 

At first I didn't see him… but then I spotted him. He'd fallen asleep on the futon, and the horrible old thing had slumped over, sort of folding him into it. Not smothered. Trust me, I checked.  

Did I mention we need a nanny? When I'm sick, it's just hopeless around here!

Anyway, we lived. We lived until Friday, and all stayed home again in varying degrees of illness. Isaac wandered from room to room, lying down when got there, even in the kitchen. We read a full Tintin, a great deal of a Children's Treasury of Bugs, and much more. The boys watched Toy Story 1 and 2. You don't realize how LONG 12 hours can be, until you try and create fun and educational actvities for all of them, while you yourself are not well. (Ben had to work very late the night before, left early for his conference, came home late, sick himself, drained and exhausted.) 

Today is a little better. Isaac decided to rally and go to his acting class and Ben gathered the strength to take him. I still want only to sleep and not eat. I'm home with Elias, who is working on many important projects and generally quite a busy fellow. I'm sure we're on the tail end of it now, and that spring is right around the corner. Yes? I hope so.  


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