The Office

My new (old) life is up and running now. I got past some irritating issues with insurance (I needed insane converage in case someone comes to visit me and breaks their neck), and computers (bottom line, I had to buy an external FLOPPY drive in order to back up my antique iMac). Ben helped me move in a two weekends ago– we brought in a computer stand, a very decrepid chair (which I really need to get a new one) and the computer itself. Then… that was it. There’s a desk in there already and the rest of the room is just many square feet of emptiness. Next door I have some overly zealous environmental activists, my only disappointment with the place. I do like it that they are cleaning up my air and water, but I wish they could do it a little more quietly. The walls are tissue thin. But, whatever. They are not talking to me or wanting anything from me and so I can tune them out. I knew that all those years of working in a cube would come in handy, somehow!

So, I’ve been writing. I go there, I sit down, I write. I look up and four hours have passed in a twinkling. My shoulders are sore and I walk back home. It’s very like being reunited with an old friend– someone with whom years ago there was a falling out of some kind, and then time went by and now no one can even remember what it all the fuss was about. It’s like no time has passed at all, seamless. I’m just back where I belong, doing what I belong to be doing. It’s like a huge missing chunk of my life has been restored to me. I came to Cleveland almost ten years ago, believing I would be able to write here. It turned out to be a lot more complicated than I had imagined. But now I have it, and it’s wonderful.

I don’t have internet access there, which is probably for the best. But it means that I will likely be blogging a lot less. My writing energy is going to its rightful place now and my non-writing time is very toddler filled.

Isaac’s almost a “preschooler” now– can you believe it?

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